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Official ISBN Agency Channel Partner

ISBN Assignments from the US ISBN Agency

What is an ISBN and how is it used?

ISBN stands for “International Standard Book Number”. It is a unique identifier for books, eBooks, tapes, and CD’s. The ISBN numbering system is used worldwide and publishers around the globe identify their work in this standardized format. Each title or edition must be identified by a unique ISBN. In essence, the ISBN number for books is similar to a license plate which guarantees that each book type product is identified uniquely.

Package Comparison:
Unmatched Phone Support (Talk to a real person)
Author/Publisher retains ownership and copyright
Clients manage title data & cover art on our Client Portals
ISBN Assignment (Unique and linked to Global Databases)
No Annual Fees
Discounted Copyright Registration
Complimentary Standard Book Sales Page (Info)
Authentic Digital Barcode (.eps) included 
Your company listed as the publisher - Expedited as US ISBN Agency Channel Partner
"Independent Publisher" is the listed publisher (information)
Quantity Discount (i.e. 10 ISBNs & barcodes are $28.00 each)
Delivery Time


Do books need ISBNs?

From the point of view of the international ISBN system there is no legal requirement to have an ISBN and it conveys no legal or copyright protection. However, both brick/mortar and online book sellers in the US require ISBN identification.  This unique identifier enables your book to be discovered since it will be posted in the global book database.


What is the Bookland EAN barcode?

Retailers and distributors require book products to carry a barcode which encodes the ISBN and pricing information. The Bookland EAN barcode is a standardized format which is accepted by trading partners worldwide. Our experience with barcodes enables us to provide our customers with symbols which comply with the GS1 guidelines and offer assistance with providing the appropriate format.  Please note, a digital barcode is not needed on ebooks.

If you require only a Bookland EAN symbol, we encourage you to purchase ISBN Bookland barcode files from for only $10 each.

Are there Unauthorized Resellers of ISBNs?

Unfortunately, there are a few internet companies which prey on new self-publishers. Since the ISBN assignment uniquely identifies a title for the life of the book, authors need to be assured of the legitimacy and security of the assigning company. There is even a company which calls itself, and they are not Bowker.

A key part of the ISBN assignment process is REGISTERING book information and cover art within the Global Books In Print Database. This function enables book discoverability. Publisher Services clients get to enter upload their title information and cover art through our online portal which automatically uploads to the master database. Without this assurance, you might just be receiving an arbitrary number. In addition, be wary of any company offering 30 day money back guarantees with ISBN purchases. ISBN numbers should NEVER be reassigned!


Reasons to Use Publisher Services for ISBN Assistance

  • Personal customer service – Talk to a real person – We post our phone number on every page
  • Authorized ISBN agent – We are, in fact, the largest and personally assist thousands of self-publishers every year
  • Online Portal enables our clients to enter their title data and upload cover art directly to Global Database
  • ISBN delivery within 30 minutes (Independent Publisher Program) during business hours

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